Since 1926, the Garden City Chamber of Commerce has been dedicated to the cooperative efforts of the business and residential community toward the preservation of quality, character, and vitality of business in the Incorporated Village of Garden City.
A non-profit, proactive organization, the Chamber welcomes all Garden City business members…members of the professions…residents…community organizations, and institutions to join in the support of its efforts through membership and active participation. The Chamber welcomes input and is responsive to member concerns.
The Chamber views the central business area as the “Face of the Village”… and works actively on behalf of all member businesses…while remaining responsive to the needs of the total community.
As an organization, the Chamber acts as the representative voice of the business community, thus effecting desirable improvements of mutual goals that contribute to the health and vitality of the Incorporated Village of Garden City. The Chamber welcomes Associate Members, regional businesses, and professionals beyond the Incorporated Village of Garden City.